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The Bible is filled with some messy stories-stories, that nonetheless, point us to an amazing, loving God.  In this series, kids will learn some messy, gross stories that will direct them to a humble attitude and obedient behaviors that are pleasing to our Great God!

Lesson One

A little Too Salty

Ms. Heidi helps us learn why too much of a good thing isn't always a good thing.

Lesson Two

Fish Food

Ms. Adrianne tells us about smelly fish!!!

lesson three

the hungry worm

Ms. Polly helps us understand that worms can be really useful!

Lesson Four

Spot the difference

Ms. Adrianne explains how not to get egg on your face!

Lesson 5

Straight From the Fish's Mouth

Ms. Polly explains how Jesus found a gross way to silence his accusers!

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